For a detailed description of the preserves, click above left on "Goods"

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Preserving Workshop

I will be teaching my first workshop on the art and science of canning next Thursday, August 25th.
The class will take place at my former place of employment, Depanneur Le Pick Up at 8pm.
On account of the season, the focus will be on preserving stone fruits, such as apricots, nectarines, plums, and peaches, which are all amazing right now. We'll start with a general talk on canning techniques, then move on to making one jam and one fruit preserved in syrup, of which everyone will take home a jar.
That's a pretty excellent value for $25!
For more info, go here.
xo C.


starmoon said...


I Just found out about you: ) and missed your first class will you be doing anotherone?

Preservation Society said...

Hi! I certainly hope I'll have the chance to do another class. It was really fun. Possibly a pickling workshop in late Sept? I'll keep the site updated...