For a detailed description of the preserves, click above left on "Goods"

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Radio Interview and Workshop Recap

Well, it's been a busy Preservation Society week! In addition to canning pints and quarts of Dilly Pickled Beans and Special Dill Pickles, I taught a workshop and was on the radio!

My interview on CBC's All in a Weekend aired this morning, but you can listen to it on their website here. Please do!

On Thursday night I taught a workshop on preserving stone fruits at Depanneur Le PickUp. I gave a talk about canning basics while participants chopped fruit and then we headed into the kitchen to make Mont-Royal Plums in Vanilla Syrup and Nectarine Jam with Sapote. It was a really lovely experience for me, and I hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves and took something away from it (other than the two jars of preserves).

Lucky for me, one participant was a photographer and took some great shots. All below are courtesy of Lysanne Larose.

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